Friday, March 3, 2017

10 Things To Do While Pumping

So today while I was pumping I was scrolling aimlessly through Facebook when I came across a particularly nasty story about a breastfeeding mom being harassed. This upset me so much it I was completely distracted from doing what I needed to be doing. Also now I'm pumping my Milk while I was angry and we all know how emotions can affect our milk and it's production. So I want to make a list of things to do while you pumping that are more relaxing.

 - Listening to an audio book
Listening to your favorite book during pumping is a great way to pass the time and keep you relaxed. I came across the app Audible while I was on leave. I was watching way too much TV be needed something that would give me some background noise. They offer a free trial with 2 credits which is equivalent to 2 books. Great option to just try it out for FREE!

This is perfect for pumping since it's the most relaxed you can be. Also, will help you be relaxed for the rest of the day. Just turn off or dim the light if you can and do some deep breathing exercises.
-Listen to some music
This one's a no-brainer. Get your headphones and play some of your favorite music on your computer or phone. Then just sit back, relax and pump away.
-Look at pictures of your baby
This is by far my favorite thing to do while I pump. I just scroll through all the pictures on my phone (most of them are of my little one). This keeps me focused on the reason I pump in the first place. The best is if you have a video of them laughing!
-Read a book
Love to read a book over listening to one. Grab your favorite book or magazine and you're good to go.
 -Color draw or doodle 
Just take a notebook and pen to the mother's room to pass the time. Can't draw or don't like to. Purchase a coloring book and some colored pencils. They have those interesting geometric color books that will definitely keep you busy.

-Knit or crochet or friendship bracelets
Remember those friendship bracelets you use to make at camp? These are perfect to pass the time. Or you can knit you sweet little one a hat and booties.
-Crosswords or Sudoku
Some brain teasers will keep your brain sharp and pass the time quickly.
-Meal/week planning
Sometimes you just don't have time for everything. But these pumping sessions are great for planning out your week or meals.
-Call a loved one
I love calling my mom during my pumping time. It is awesome keep in touch and she's a fabulous conversationalist. Make sure you call someone you can have a calm and happy conversation no need for added stress.

I hope you enjoyed these 10 pumping activities. Please comment any activities that you do while you pump. Thanks for reading. 

Please follow me on Facebook @Veggiemomster and on Instagram @Theveggiemomster


  1. I love this. If i am ever crazy enough to have another one, im gonna take your advice! I used to just aimlessly look at facebook, but i like the idea of a crossword puzzle or coloring book.

    I used to talk to your sister a lot while i was pumping. She was a great pumping buddy!!!

    1. Yes! Today will be my first day with trying not to facebook. I'm going to try one of these each day this week to see which one I like best. I bet Maya wouldnt mind having a little brother or sister to boss around lol.
