Friday, April 7, 2017

Fast Fun Friday - Paper Play

So this week's Fast Fun Friday came to me by chance. I was going through a few months worth of paper, bills, and pamphlets. If you're like me you wait til there is an enormous pile of paper to go through before sorting them. My LO and I were going through the paper together and I had the throwaway pile nearest to her. As I was sorting my LO was rolling around. She rolled over to the throwaway pile and started to spread the paper around and play with it. The light bulb went off in my head and Fast Fun Friday came to mind. So this week's Fast Fun Friday you will be able to have fun with your LO and clean up all that paperwork that has been piling up.

So this project will be the cheapest one I think we'll ever do. You will only need your baby and all that papers you need to do through. My LO doesn't really need a prop anymore but if your does you can just a bolster, rolled up yoga mat or DockAtot.

Have fun and get to sorting. I will see you all tomorrow when I post my ultimate packing guide for our Florida trip.

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