Friday, June 2, 2017

Fast Fun Friday - Milksicles

This week on Fast Fun Friday we are going to make an easy snack, that will keep your LO entertained for a few minutes. As parents about 90 percent of the time you have other obligations like cleaning, cooking, personal hygiene or just need a few minutes not holding your LO. If your baby is anything like mine they like to be held 100% of the time so any amount of entertainment is helpful.

I call this snack a milksicle. What you will need to make these is a mini ice cube tray. I got mine from Amazon. Then about 2 ozs of either Breast milk, formula or milk. A fruit of your choice, here I am using frozen strawberries. A blender or food processor to blend everything together. Lastly, a mesh or silicone food feeder.  I use the mesh ones by Munchkin or silicone ones by Boon.

First, add 2 ounces of milk and 2 frozen or fresh strawberries to the blender. You want to completely liquefy the strawberries and milk. Once you do that you are going to add your strawberry mixture to the ice cube tray. You want to make sure the ice cubes will fit into the feeder once they are frozen. If they do not you will have you use a knife to chop it into smaller pieces so they fit.  The ones in the photo will fit in either of the food feeders that I have previously mentioned.  After you have your tray filled, pop it into the freezer. Because they are small they should only take a few hours to freeze. Once they are frozen you can pop them out of the tray and place them in a milk saver bag or a freezer bag. I will keep them for about a month if they even make it that long.

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