Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Taking Photo's of you Little One - Flag Day Contest

Flag Day Photo Contest

So this week Sephira is in a photo contest. So I figured I would do a blog post on how to get an adorable photo of your LO. There are a few things you should always have handy for taking cute photos. Number one is a backdrop. For this, I usually use 1-2 yards faux fur fabric. This is great for laying your little one on. Don't worry about getting outside objects or backgrounds in the photo since they can always be cropped out. For the colors of the fur make sure you have black, white and cream always on had. These colors go with everything and you won't feel like you have to purchase a different color for each shoot. Another item that helps make positioning your little one easier especially for ones who can set up yet is a basket of some kind.  Again have a neutral color and/or print like chevron is great for most of your photo. With the fur, you can just lay it on a couch, bed, pillows, co-sleeper, or floor. You can also place it in the basket with the fur sticking out. Again this helps prop up little ones that can't quite sit up on their own. If you just want to use the basket and no fur you can try a towel, face cloths or cloth diapers to help prop your baby up. 
Use a Chevron basket to prop up your little one.
Something that also makes picture taking fun is props. These could be anything from holiday decorations to baby toys/stuffed animals. One thing to keep in mind with props is if you're not using these props outside of your pictures they can pile up. So using fresh flowers can cut down on the hoarding of props.

Now to my favorite part, dressing your baby. For newborn pictures having some cute bows is always a must. Again always have bows or bow ties in neutral colors black, white and cream. If you know that you are going to be taking lots of pictures red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple are great to have in hand. When purchasing bows I always try to get head wraps. They can be a bit more pricey but they will grow with your baby. This way you are getting good quality and more pictures out of them. I purchase my head wraps from HelloMissGorgeous on Esty. They are great quality and they ship fast. 
Black Headwrap from HelloMissGorgous
If you're like me and love cute outfits then here are some of my favorite sellers on Esty that sell the sweetest outfits and accessories for photo shoots BBOWSBOUTIQUE, HelloMissGorgous, SofiaandBelle, NordeensBabyCouture, BabySquishyCheeks, BowtifulSoul, CandyFacesShop, and Katescouturedesign. If you are looking for cheaper more generic options then Amazon Prime always has options for not just clothes and accessories, but also baby photo props like faux fur, wrap blankets and cute accessories. Though I get my fur from 
Onesie From BabySquishyCheeks and Shorts from CandyFacesShop

Headwrap from HelloMissGorgous

Headwrap from HelloMissGorgous and Fur from

For editing photo's there are 3 apps that I like to use. PS Express (free), FotoRus (Free with in app purchases) and Union ($1.99). Union has to be my favorite because you can have a photo of your LO and completely remove the background and replace it with whatever you want. PS Express is good for erasing minor blemishes. FotoRus is also good for blemishes and has some other crazy options to add makeup to your face. This is one of those in app purchases though.

If you like this post and I gave you a few ideas for photographing your LO then please share this with other moms. Also Please go to the link and like my Little Girl's photo on the Brady Sullivan Facebook Page so we can win! Thanks so much for reading!

Link to photo: Flag Day Contest

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