Friday, March 17, 2017

St Patrick's Day Milk Bath

Happy Saint Patrick's day everyone! I love doing mini photo shoots with my little one for a holiday or milestone. I always find amazing baby pictures on Pinterest done by professional photographers. Though you are never going to get the same results that you would with a professional sometimes availability or money can be an issue. So this is an easy and affordable option.

Here is what you'll need;
🍀 3 cans of coconut milk ( I'm using a Whole Food Brand Canned Coconut Milk)
🍀 A whisk
🍀 2 different types of Shamrocks alive and plastic. I was lucky to find both, my Whole Foods always carries live flowers or plants for the current month/holiday. I also found plastic hydrangeas is 3 different shades of green at Hobby Lobby. So when I added the fake flowers they sank to the bottom pretty quickly so I would recommend you still get them and add a few before each picture you take. This way some will still get in the picture. Also, the shamrocks that worked the best we the small ones that were real. Make sure you cut the entire stem off of the real shamrocks so they do not show in the picture.
🍀 Green Baby Photo Prop Wrap
🍀 Chair for your baby
🍀 Your Baby (Sorry no link for this one)
🍀 Green or Gold Hair Bow or Bow Tie (I found one from one of my favorite Etsy sellers NordeensBabyCouture)

Start by Precutting all you real or plastic shamrocks and place them in individual bowls. I also took down my shower curtain and put one of my lamps in the bathroom for extra light.

I then filled the bathtub halfway with warm water around 97 degrees (I have a food thermometer I use to check the temp). Add your 3 cans of coconut milk 1 at a time. After adding each one, take your whisk and whisk the water and coconut milk until there are no chunks left. Then fill the rest of the tub while whisking the water. When you are done filling the tub there should be about 3 inches of water.

Place you baby in the tub with their bow on and draped in their prop wrap. I add the flowers after the baby is in the water so I know where I want them and where I need more or less. Then just click away.

I make funny faces and sounds to get her to laugh and smile for the pictures. Also, have a flower or shamrock for baby to keep them engaged. Don't worry about getting the tub sides in the shot we are just going to crop them out in the end. Throughout the shoot, I add more flowers or move them around to get different pictures.

Make sure you never walk away from your baby once they are in the bath. So make your you have everything you need in the bathroom before you start or you have an "assistant" to help you out if you have forgotten something.

I hope you get some fabulous pictures of your baby and remember you can do this for any holiday/milestone with all different kinds of props or flowers.

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