Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sensory Sunday - Kawaii Sensory Bag

Today on Sensory Sunday, we made a pink glitter kawaii bag. Sensory bags are extremely easy to create. Just gather all your ingredients and add them to a gallon size freezer Ziploc bag, tape it down and you're ready to play.

Ingredients you will need are;
1 cup of clear gel
2 cups of water
figures and beads of your choice
1 tablespoon of pink glitter
1 drop of red food color
1 Ziploc freezer bag
Duck tape

After adding all your ingredients to your freezer bag, seal it up. Then shake all the ingredients until well combined. After that, take your bag and tape it down on baby's play surface. Make sure your baby is in a cute matching outfit before you allow them to start playing.

When you're done you can keep the bag for later. Just make sure you store in a safe place away from the baby. You can also pour all the items into a strainer and rinse them off for later use.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of Sensory Sunday. See you tomorrow for Matching Outfit Monday.

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook @Veggiemomster and on Instagram @Theveggiemomster.

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